Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jesse Jackson: Champion of the Rich

Today on Fox, Megyn Kelly interviewed the Rev. Jesse Jackson on the events in Wisconsin. In case you are not following these events closely, Democratic law makers from Wisconsin have been hiding in Illinois to prevent a vote. After weeks away, the Gov. Scott Walker called for a special session, where Scott Walker’s measure passed. It now waits for a last vote. However, supporters of the unions have now blocked hallways and doorways of the Wisconsin capital in an effort to prevent democratic processes from working. This new effort is being led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore. Fox New’s Megyn Kelly interviewed Jackson and his involvement in this matter. When asked about the protestors, Rev. Jesse Jackson said:

These people have no home, they lost them. These people have no jobs, they lost them….We support worker rights.
Really Rev. Jackson? I thought this was about the collective bargaining rights of teachers? Rev. Jackson, you have been an excellent champion for the poor. But that is not what is going on in Wisconsin. Are you saying that these teachers lost their homes? Teacher salaries in the state of Wisconsin average $78,000 a year. These teachers are homeless? If a teacher is making $78,000 a year and cannot find a home, then there is a big problem with that teacher’s ability to run their personal finances. Are union dues that high? Are taxes in Wisconsin that high? I am totally shocked that a teacher in Wisconsin would be homeless on that salary!

If teachers in Wisconsin can’t afford to live on $78,000 a year, there needs to be a close examination of the tax structure and union dues. Wisconsin teachers make 1.5 times the average household salary in Wisconsin. If teachers making $78,000 a year are suffering, then just think how much more the average non-teacher in Wisconsin, who makes $52,000! Yes, the average household in Wisconsin makes only $52,000. Who is speaking for them? Oh, yes, the Tea Party. Why isn’t the Rev. Jesse Jackson helping out the average household in Wisconsin, who makes much less that the average teacher? They are the ones who are truly poor!

The Rev. Jackson’s next point was that the Wisconsin legislature, “…ramrodded the vote.” Really? How many weeks have the Democratic law makers vacationed in Illinois? Was there some secret that this was an option? Were they elected to party in Illinois or to represent their citizens in Wisconsin? The whole nation knew what was going on in Wisconsin! How can they possibly claim that this bill was ramrodded?

Rev. Jesse Jackson concluded his interview with “you can’t close plants here.” Rev Jackson, where are the plants that are being closed in Wisconsin? It is the Unions who are calling for shutting down the schools in Wisconsin. Are those the plants you mean? Do you view the schools of Wisconsin as factories? Does the union view schools as factories? Factories of what? Test scores reported by both Rush Limbough and Glenn Beck suggest that whatever they are factories of, it is not education.

These are not factories, these are schools! Factories have to compete in the private sector. Who do Wisconsin’s “factories of education” compete with?
Jesse Jackson, you are on the wrong side. The real poor in Wisconsin is the average household is being taxed to death to pay teacher salaries. Rev. Jackson, there are school bus drivers who make over $100,000 a year, more than some state governors and more than many faculty members in the state of Illinois! Who are you fighting for? Is it for the average Wisconsin resident that makes $52,000? Or the average teacher who makes $78,000?
Collins, Dan. “WI Teacher Salaries in Context,” Piece of Work In Progress February 19th, 2011

Megyn Kelly, Interview with Rev. Jesse Jackson, 3/10/2011

Limbaugh, Rush on Wisconsin Student Test Scores,

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