Tuesday, April 19, 2011

While we go bankrupt and build the world, we bail out Portugal?

In case you missed it over the past few days, Standard and Poor has downgraded U.S. Treasuries. Indeed, there can be economic adverse consequences to default.  Timothy Geithner wants the debt limit raised for as long as possible, in fact, forever, to avoid that default.  After all, there are merely differences in how to take care of elderly and the poor. We all know that evil Republicans will take funds away from the most poor in society, just listen to any Democrat in the current administration.

The problem is that the issues that are causing the default are really manufactured by the Obama Administration. Even as S&P downgrades our debt, the United States, through the IMF, is bailing out Portugal. This is the same IMF (International Monetary Fund) that is attempting to force the United States into raising tax rates on Americans. The IMF said that America needs to make "huge tax increases" to remain viable earlier this month. Now we are bailing out Portugal with them? How is it that there may not be enough to pay our military, our seniors, and pay for education, but we can bail out Portugal?

In addition to the IMF, there is all sort of building programs going on by the United States around the world. Through the US Export-Import Bank, the United States has been engaged in a flurry of investments oversees. Clearly, we have been rebuilding the Iraq economy, at US taxpayer expense. But that isn't all. We are funding oil wells in Brazil and refineries to the tune of billions of dollars in Columbia (see my previous blog).  We are building a new billion dollar complex in London (often dubbed the Chrystal Palace) replete with a moat. There is also the new embassy building in Ethiopia, which seems to be quite the hit. Then there is the celebrated Green Embassy in Jakarta that has everyone talking (not). After all, it is just part of our overall 70 buildings we are building around the world for the green embassy project.

Indeed, the only building program going on in the United States is one of resentment toward the Obama administration. Raising the debt ceiling would be fine if it were for building America, but that isn't what is really going on in the budget. We are building every other country but our own. If seniors don't get checks and poor go hungry, it is because of our ambitious program of international building through off budget agencies like the IMF and the Export-Import bank and the U.S. State Department. It will not be because House Republicans failed. Raise the debt ceiling and taxes for the IMF?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Besides the gargantuan expenditures on Obama Care, the Obama Administration has done everything possible to halt economic activity in the U.S. and erode the tax base. The Obama Administration fights the oil industry at every turn.  Indeed, the goal of the current administration, as laid out by candidate Barack Obama, is to let gas prices skyrocket. His program necessarily causes stagflation: rising prices and growing unemployment. Under stagflation, it is increasingly difficult to pay off debt, as every other nations knows. This has created the stage for U.S. default through his "global redistribution" plan.

Call your Congressman and let your voice be heard. If that debt ceiling is raised, shut down the international bail outs and investment. Invest in America, because you know that the Chinese and the Brazilians have. Quite letting internationals run our country. Let's get off the High Speed Bullet Train to Bankruptcy and build our nation.

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