This is one of the most anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish Presidents that has ever sat in the White House. Yet Kyle Smith attacks Sarah Palin's Pay-per-view channel? I guess Barack Obama gets a bye from him?
Smith's review is heavy on snark and weak on substance. While he pens copious amounts of juvenile literary devices, but rather lacks substantive evidence of his claims. In fact, he has no substance at all, no information or basis for anything, he merely uses phrases that he probably picked up at the local tavern.
His opening salvo calls her a "Mad Prophetess." He attempts to make the case that she is angry and bitter. Honestly, I thought that moniker went to Andrew Halicro, not Sarah Palin. But let's play with Kyle Smith's portrayal for the moment. Is anger wrong in this case? Can anger be righteous in this instance? Let's consider the state of affairs today. Is Kyle Smith fine with ISIS having Iraq? Is he good with Obama Care and the way it has been implemented? Is Smith "all good" with Obama's treatment of the Catholic Church? The persecution of Christians that has ensued even in our own military, is Mr. Smith fine with that?
What is the further basis of his critique? It is full of Palin content. Wow, really? If I subscribed to Palin's channel and saw hours of Glen Beck, Shep Smith, Glozella, or Larry King, I think I would be a bit upset. If I subscribe to a Sarah Palin channel, I want to see Sarah Palin. Being "heavy on Palin" means she provides what she advertises, which is actually quite refreshing in this day and age.
Smith characterizes Palin's channel further when he states, "It’s as if “Wayne’s World” woke up one morning and decided to be “Meet the Press.” Wayne's World? Wayne's World? Gosh, I thought that was the Choom Gang in the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, not the "Thrilla of Lake Wasilla." But let's just put the optics out there plainly and let the reader decide.
Waynes World Test
1. Which one looks like they would say, "Party on, Wayne!"
2. Which one looks like they would quote Wayne and say "A gun rack... a gun rack. Shyeah, Right! I don't even own A gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?"
3. Which one looks like they would quote Garth and say, "If she were a president she would be Babe-raham Lincoln."
4. Which one looks like they would share Wayne's self description of past private sector employment as "I have an extensive collection of name tags and hairnets"
PS: Remember the only private sector job Barack Obama ever held was in an ice cream shop.
Hat-Tip Mr. Smith: Wayne's World isn't in Wasilla, Alaska; it is on Pennsylvania Avenue. The Thrilla of Wasilla is more the Unsinkable Molly Brown, than Garth or Wayne. I would expect a good Catholic to see this, but apparently your ability to see across the continent is perhaps clouded by garden of turbulence left in Bloomberg's wake in your city. Perhaps you need to get out of the city more often, where the rest of America lives.
Mr Smith in Context
As Christians are persecuted world wide, as rawafidh a wholesale slaughtered, as Jews are attacked in Germany, Paris, and the Middle East, as President Obama issues Ramadan Greetings, demands Israel quit defending itself, and engages in Rocky Mountain High visits... Mr. Smith, attacks Palin for pointing out that perhaps it is time to boot this man out of the White House?
It seems to be a very strange assignment for the New York Post to set upon Smith, who is a movie critic, not a news editor. After all, he doesn't normally write reviews of news organizations. His most recent targets have been really cutting edge stuff like, ScarJo's brain kicks butt in action flick 'Lucy', and Philip Seymour Hoffman's last serious film is a thin spy drama. As Christians globally are being attacked with U.S. dollars, as our borders are besieged, Smith takes on the weighty cultural issues such as Scarjoe.
In all due seriousness, intellectual stuff, really smart stuff, and news organizations are rarely fodder for Smith, for he tends to gravitate toward things that allow him to be sublimely sarcastic. He thrives on penning critiques that are full of alliteration that he gleaned at the pub, assuming there is one that still serves him. It is what makes Smith feel superior and assuages the little man, and is probably why he is one of the most hated movie critics in the market today according to Studio 360.
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Posters that filled New York Subways |
Kyle occasionally enters into cultural areas, but really hasn't been very successful. Recently he wrote an attack piece aimed at waiters and other restaurant servers in the New York area. The result was signs all over the subways and streets of New York began to appear that were not too flattering in their estimation of Kyle Smith. Indeed, his commentary really displayed his elitist mentality when he wrote,
"Frankly, garçon, I don't even need to know your name. You're a servant. So serve."
His clear disdain for the working people who purchase the New York Post drips from his reviews.Given that Kyle Smith likes his servants silently serving, one can only speculate how he likes his women and how many copies of "Shades of Gray" are on his shelf. I don't even understand why he is employed by the New York Post.
But what would one expect from a man who proudly wears the "Torquemada of the Tabloid" moniker with such pride? Yes, that is what he actually told Joe Coscarelli at the New York Post. He stated,
"...if I can inflict a little bit of pain during the day, I sleep better at night. Call me Tabloid Torquemada."
For those who didn't spend a few years of their life in a library cubical outside the Medieval Institute at the University of Notre Dame, Torquemada was one of the early Inquisitors, noted for torturing thousands and ushered in one of the most regrettable chapters of Catholic and Spanish history. He was particularly noted for his heinous treatment of women and Jews. As the Grand Inquisitor in the Spanish Inquisition, Torquemada work set the stage for subsequent persecutions of Jews in later generations. Water cures, racks, ropes and scaffolds were the tools of Torquemada's trade, and he wrote the guidelines of torture for the Inquisition.
That is who Kyle Smith is proud to claim as his role model. If one wants to select a Dominican monk, there are hundreds to chose from who are far more scholarly and humane than Torquemada. Yet, Smith selects a Jew-hating celibate known for torture as his hero over other other Dominicans like St. Aquinas or St. Augustine.
This is the same Kyle Smith who gives Palin a bad review on her pay per view for having "too much Palin."
Sarah Palin is not accountable to me, and my opinion is unsolicited. She is a private citizen who can do as she pleases. She is her own woman and it is for her to forge her own path. She is answerable to God, Todd, and the mirror and anyone to whom she chooses to be accountable. I rather doubt the New York Post and Kyle Smith are on the list.
In the meantime, Kyle Smith really needs psychiatric care. I hope that Obama Care is able to accommodate his needs.
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